Georgia Tech’s Office of Research Integrity Assurance has launched TOPAZ Elements as an online IACUC and IBC protocol management tool. Currently, TOPAZ Elements is available to all animal and recombinant DNA researchers on campus.
Each TOPAZ Elements module implemented at GA Tech facilitates IACUC or IBC protocol managment, including submission, review, approval, amendments and renewals.
TOPAZ Upgrade -- Elements 2024.2.0.12 -- Coming March 4th 2025
Elements 2024.2.0.12 is an upgraded version of TOPAZ Elements.
The most important change for existing users to be aware of is how you will navigate to My Dashboard.
***My Dashboard will no longer be nested under Animal Protocols or Biosafety Protocols***
There will be two main methods for accessing My Dashboard:

Resources for TOPAZ Support
Read the Georgia Tech IACUC User Guide
Read the Georgia Tech IBC User Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Silverlight and why I am I being asked to install it?
Microsoft Silverlight is a free plug-in for internet browsers that some modules of TOPAZ use to display some of their content. However, at this time, you should not need Silverlight to submit or change a protocol. If you've reached a page requesting that you install Silverlight, please contact ORIA for assistance.
How do I submit a protocol amendment in TOPAZ?
Under the Protocols menu, select Create Amendment Protocol and select the protocol you wish to change from the list of approved protocols. Be sure to complete the Amendment Summary section on the first page, and change the text color of any additions you make to the protocol (the original next should not be deleted).
Please also refer to instructions for Creating an Amendment Protocol Request in the IACUC user guide or IBC user guide for additional information.
Why can't I login to Topaz?
If you received a message stating "Access Denied" when attempting to login, the most common solution is to clear your browser cache. If you are unsure how to do this, consult one of the many online articles on the topic (e.g. a Google search will display this result), ask your IT support team, or contact ORIA for assistance.